Stop The Drain

Medina lake Walton No Island 2013
Medina Lake Walton Island

Medina Lake 4th of July Parade

SML Petition-

*Change Texas Water Code Law to make Drought Contingency and Water Conservation Plans enforceable.

*Establish a conservation level at 50% of the total capacity of the lake which will secure recharge of the Edwards Aquifer.
*Bring an end to municipal water users in San Antonio subsidizing the (Bexar Medina Atascosa Water Control and Improvement District #1) BMA.
*Replace BMA with a River Authority with professionally skilled personnel, tools/equipment and that know how to manage and operate Medina Lake and its dam to the benefit of all stakeholders.

*Put BMA under Sunset Review.
*Ensure qualified farmers in BMA’s district obtain water permits for wells, as needed, thereby securing water for irrigation also during drought conditions.
*Change BMA’s enabling act to require representation of all interests on their board.

Diversion Lake

Medina Lake Walton No Island 2013

Medina Lake Walton Island

The efforts to Save Medina Lake don't end with a flood that fills the lake. Our goal is to ensure effective stewardship of the water in the lake to benefit the Aquifer recharge, recreational users, area businesses, real farmers, San Antonio, and surrounding counties.

Medina Dam tourist attraction. BMA has closed.

Save Medina Lake